Friday, April 16, 2010

DiSgrAcE. GooD fRiDaY sERviCe.

Source has hosted a unique Good Friday service since 2003. Unique, creative, experimental collaboration are all words that is has lived up to. We have had 20-30 artists and performers involved each year that have assisted the goal of presenting to the observer and audience a glimpse of Christ and his embracing the cross a different look than they have experienced before whether someone was raised in the church or have little connection.

General Format: is having a visual (which are displayed in our gallery) and a performance vignette connected with our Stations of the cross (we have modified them inspired by the traditional stations of the cross).

StrIppEd & moCKed w/a CrOwn of THoRNs.

I created a cloth-like mobile representing Christ accepting the Cross (one of the stations of the Cross of Good Friday) , when HE was stripped of his clothing and mocked with robe of scarlet by the Roman soldiers. Matthew 27:27-31

StriPpEd & mOcked with a CrowN of THOrns.

MatthEw 27:27-31

stRippEd & MoCked wiTh a CroWn of ThoRns.

Lord, you were STRIPPED of the robes you wore. No robe was left now upon your shoulders, just a crown of MOCKERY on your head. You were still a KING. You loved and won REJECTION and pain, but still you LOVED. Matthew 27:27-31--see verse in photo above...